Global travel and tourism accelerator
Queensland is recognised as one of the world’s leading travel destinations and providers of world class experiences and businesses in this sector.
Sponsored by the Queensland Government and Amadeus, the Horizons Accelerator found local (QLD based), early stage businesses. Slingshot, Australia’s leading accelerator, was appointed to run Horizons for founders that qualified.

Horizons Accelerator
By Carl Rogers, Strategy and Business Development, Amadeus IT Pacific
Why did Amadeus get involved with the Horizons accelerator?
Amadeus has a long history of supporting and investing in innovative solutions and early stage businesses. Traditionally, our approach has been focused on working with individual businesses, however The Horizons Accelerator program was seen as a way to crowdsource a number of Startup businesses in a structured way.
What were your expectations in terms of outcomes before launching the program?
We have created a program at Amadeus specifically to work with startups, Amadeus Next. We are now one of the leading travel tech start-up communities in Asia Pacific, we mentor, nurture and partner with start-ups in Asia Pacific to take them to the next level on their journey to scale into awesome companies. By partnering with The Horizons accelerator program we were looking to discover an array of new technologies and services that would enhance the travel sector, both locally and globally.
How does the accelerator support the broader strategy for innovation at Amadeus?
Our vision at Amadeus Next is to build and foster the leading travel tech start-up community in Asia Pacific. Currently we are working with 37 start-ups across APAC. These start-ups are either using Amadeus’ technology to help them build their MVPs or receiving coaching/mentoring advice from Amadeus. The Horizons accelerator program was the perfect partner, providing us with access to a local talent and technology.
What insights or learnings can you share with other corporates who are looking to innovate?
It is imperative to have an innovation strategy that is linked with corporate objectives and solving problems for the business.
What do you foresee to be the biggest challenge during the program this year?
Time is always the biggest challenge, however in order to help startups grow and innovate it is imperative that we spend the time to mentor them through the process.
What do you foresee to be the biggest benefit (expected or unexpected) this year?
This accelerator program provides Amadeus with insights into how startups are approaching problems in the travel industry. Gaining those insights and learnings are a huge benefit to us as one of the leading travel technology companies globally.
What’s next for Amadeus?
Amadeus is proud to be partnering with The Horizons Accelerator program again this year, and is looking forward to supporting a host of new technology and entrepreneurs to drive innovation through the Australian travel industry.

Global travel and tourism accelerator
Queensland is recognised as one of the world’s leading travel destinations and providers of world class experiences and businesses in this sector.
Sponsored by the Queensland Government and Amadeus, the Horizons Accelerator found local (QLD based), early stage businesses. Slingshot, Australia’s leading accelerator, was appointed to run Horizons for founders that qualified.

Horizons Accelerator
By Carl Rogers, Strategy and Business Development, Amadeus IT Pacific
Why did Amadeus get involved with the Horizons accelerator?
Amadeus has a long history of supporting and investing in innovative solutions and early stage businesses. Traditionally, our approach has been focused on working with individual businesses, however The Horizons Accelerator program was seen as a way to crowdsource a number of Startup businesses in a structured way.
What were your expectations in terms of outcomes before launching the program?
We have created a program at Amadeus specifically to work with startups, Amadeus Next. We are now one of the leading travel tech start-up communities in Asia Pacific, we mentor, nurture and partner with start-ups in Asia Pacific to take them to the next level on their journey to scale into awesome companies. By partnering with The Horizons accelerator program we were looking to discover an array of new technologies and services that would enhance the travel sector, both locally and globally.
How does the accelerator support the broader strategy for innovation at Amadeus?
Our vision at Amadeus Next is to build and foster the leading travel tech start-up community in Asia Pacific. Currently we are working with 37 start-ups across APAC. These start-ups are either using Amadeus’ technology to help them build their MVPs or receiving coaching/mentoring advice from Amadeus. The Horizons accelerator program was the perfect partner, providing us with access to a local talent and technology.
What insights or learnings can you share with other corporates who are looking to innovate?
It is imperative to have an innovation strategy that is linked with corporate objectives and solving problems for the business.
What do you foresee to be the biggest challenge during the program this year?
Time is always the biggest challenge, however in order to help startups grow and innovate it is imperative that we spend the time to mentor them through the process.
What do you foresee to be the biggest benefit (expected or unexpected) this year?
This accelerator program provides Amadeus with insights into how startups are approaching problems in the travel industry. Gaining those insights and learnings are a huge benefit to us as one of the leading travel technology companies globally.
What’s next for Amadeus?
Amadeus is proud to be partnering with The Horizons Accelerator program again this year, and is looking forward to supporting a host of new technology and entrepreneurs to drive innovation through the Australian travel industry.